Our focus
The team at Guildoak have been involved in planning, acquisition and housebuilding for over 50 years throughout the south of England.
With the companies wealth of experience and knowledge the primary aim is to accomplish our shared goal of maximising the value of the land or property by promoting the site through the planning process. We also believe in being adaptable in our attitude when it comes to structuring agreements with landowners.
Over the years we have secured planning permission for hundreds of homes and continue to work on land opportunities throughout Surrey, West Sussex, East Sussex, Kent, Hampshire and Berkshire.
We are specialists in working with differing types of property-owners whether they be charitable bodies, public sector, institutional, corporate or private.
We will consider all the potential agreements varying from promotion agreements, option agreements and a hybrid of both. With some landowners we will enter into join ventures or even unconditional purchases through our investment team.
If you have land to sell or a potential development site please email Andrew at or call 07827 231593.
£2M +
5 to 80 units
Sustainable locations close to road, rail & bus networks and local schools.
Sites purchased unconditionally
Subject to planning or via promotion / option agreement
We consider all types of brownfield and greenfield opportunities including:
Residential properties
Residential Gardens
Agricultural land or paddocks
Industrial and Commercial buildings & land
Equestrian buildings and land
Hotels and Public Houses
Garden Centres & Nursery land
Closed Institutional facilities
Sites are sourced directly from landowners, but also via agents. Once a site is identified by Guildoak one of our land and planning experts will assess the potential of your land allowing us to make an informed proposal to you. We will consider all aspects of a site from planning to commerciality for development.
If we believe your land has development potential an offer will be made setting out how Guildoak would either partner with you through an option, promotion or Joint Venture agreement or alternatively via a subject to planning agreement or unconditional purchase. We will also set out the likely timescales involved and any costs involved.
The substantial costs involved in promoting and obtaining a planning consent are paid by Guildoak at our own risk. In the event the site isn’t purchased unconditionally from the outset Guildoak’s costs would be reimbursed along with the agreed split of the sale proceeds once a planning permission is achieved and the site is sold.
In most instances the landowner can continue using the land in the same way they did before the agreement existed throughout the agreement period. The landowner will remain the legal owner throughout the process unless the site is purchased unconditionally from the outset.
- ​Promotion Agreement
Guildoak Land would promote the land on behalf of the property-owner and obtain planning permission at their cost. When a planning application is granted the land would be marketed and sold. The property owner would jointly instruct the selling agent and have a say in who the land is sold too. It is in the interests of all parties to achieve the highest price within the shortest timescale as Guildoak’s return would be a proportion of the sale proceeds.
- ​Option Agreement
Guildoak Land would enter into an option, at an agreed discount to the market value of the land with planning permission, to purchase the land with the benefit of that planning permission.
- Subject to Planning Agreement
Guildoak Land would agree a fixed price for the purchase of the land with the benefit of planning permission. Given the nature of the planning process design proposals can often change and unknown abnormal costs appear during the process. As a result it is often necessary to have overage & clawback agreements with a subject to planning agreement to avoid any disputes at the end.
- ​Unconditional Purchase
Guildoak Investment would agree a fixed price to purchase the land prior to planning permission being achieved. The land will either be purchased at existing use value with an overage or at a premium to market value (reflecting the planning risk andpotential holding costs) with no overage.
Each project will require a team of specialist consultants to work in in tandem with our in house experts. All consultants are appointed based on the site’s individual constraints as each site is unique. Any planning application is likely to require the following reports and surveys;
Planning & heritage statement
Design & access statement
Statement of Community Involvement
Landscape & Visual Impact Assessment
Ecology assessment
Arboriculture assessment
Flood Risk Assessment
Archaeology Statement
Drainage & SUDS Strategy
Utilities Assessment
Transport Statement
Contamination & Remediation Statement
Closed Institutional facilities
S106 / CIL Legal Agreement
Working with our consultant team we will decide the best strategy to unlock the potential in your land based on the sites individual needs. Ideally we would look to submit an immediate planning application, whether in outline or detailed form.
However before a planning application is made some sites will need sensible promotion via the Local Authority Call for Sites. This can involve substantial work including; attending Plan examinations, making local plan representations, monitoring housing supply and working with Neighbourhood plans.
If a site is located in the Greenbelt and has existing built form it may be necessary to apply for a Certificate of Lawful Existing Use Development and Conversion through Permitted Development before an application can be submitted for complete redevelopment.
We strongly believe that it is important to have early engagement with local stakeholders and consultee groups in order to understand local needs and feelings towards development. It is important to understand that communities do not want inadequately designed housing developments in their area.
We wish to show that it is feasible to create developments which are inclusive to existing communities, creating enhancements rather than undermining the established settlements.
Often the benefits of providing new housing can be forgotten. For example, new services and infrastructure can be provided as well as the provision of smaller, sustainable and flexible living spaces in new homes. This often frees up existing housing to allow families to re-enter communities boosting the local economy, community and re-introducing local pupils to schools in ageing populations.
Proactive engagement can prevent development feeling forced on a community. The early identification of the aspirations and demands of a community along with a design guide makes it clear to planning departments that an application has been well conceived and this often results in less objections and a stronger chance in a local planning success.
Once the planning strategy is agreed, consultant team appointed and early stakeholder engagement completed we will submit a planning application which maximises the sites potential and returns for the landowner.
During the planning applications duration we continue to communicate with local stakeholders to help ensure a smooth passage through to a positive planning decision.
In the event that the application is not approved we ensure that our strategy is appeal proof. An appeal would be lodged, if a legal counsel believes the application would have greater than 50% chance of success, with The Planning Inspectorate. We would bring together our expert team alongside a top barrister and expert witness. This can be a lengthy and costly process and would be paid for by Guildoak (subject to the terms of our contract).
When planning permission is granted, depending on the contract structure, Guildoak will either purchase the land (option or subject to Planning agreement) or agree a sale strategy (promotion agreement) with the owner to commence marketing through a local agent.
The value of land with planning permission is often dependent on factors that are often variable during the contract period. Its value can be affected by; economic factors, changes to national and local planning policy, supply and demand, infrastructure and abnormal costs, local authority development contributions and levels of affordable housing.
We will always use our expertise to minimise the impact of these variables to achieve our common aim of maximising the value for the landowner.
Guildoak is committed to creating a positive legacy with its developments and our aim is to develop places which typically include:
Starter homes suitable for young people
Homes with adaptability for elderly and those with disabilities
Mix of affordable and market homes (depending on site size)
Design led with high quality sensitive architecture matching the local vernacular
A Passive House (depending on site size)
Low environmental impact construction
Landscape led environments which enhance biodiversity
Sustainable build features internally and externally on all houses leading to lower energy consumption
Community facilities (depending on site size)
Cycle and sustainable transport initiatives